Daniel D. Worley
Daniel D. Worley graduated from Bermudian Springs High School in 1995. He then attended Gettysburg College where he majored in History and minored in Political Science. Upon graduation in 1999, he attended the Dickinson School of Law where he graduated in 2002. He became a member of the York County Bar Association with his admission moved by his grandfather, Francis Worley, Esq. He is also a member of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court Bar and the Cumberland County Bar Association.
Dan has had experience in wills, estates, mental health, municipal law, land use, landlord tennant, family law, social security, unemployment compensation, personal injury, real estate transactions, contracts, traffic violations, juvenile law, and other general fields of law.
Dan is a general practitioner in the Southcentral Pennsylvania area and has practiced in Adams, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Lancaster, and York counties. His offices are located at 101 East Philadelphia Street in York, PA and 225 Latimore Valley Road, outside of York Springs in Adams County Pennsylvania. The Adams County office is the same office where his grandfather, Francis Worley, practiced law. His hours are by appointment.
David T. Worley
David T. Worley graduated from Bermudian Springs High School in 2000 and attended Gettysburg College where he majored in history and minored in political science. He graduated from Gettysburg College in 2004 with a Bachelor of Arts degree and from the Penn State Dickinson School of Law in 2007 with a Juris Doctor degree. He became a member of the York County Bar Association with his admission moved by his brother, Daniel Worley, Esq. He is also a member of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court Bar.
Dave is a general practitioner in the Southcentral Pennsylvania area. His offices are located at 101 East Philadelphia Street in York, PA and 225 Latimore Valley Road, outside of York Springs in Adams County Pennsylvania. The Adams County office is the same office where his grandfather, Francis Worley, practiced law. His hours are by appointment.
If you would like to know more about Dave, please visit his personal website.
Francis Worley (1913-2003)
Born Dec. 23, 1913 in Latimore Township, York Springs, he was a son of the late Chester B. and Hermie Masemer Worley. He was predeceased by his wife, Ruth Tudor Gardner Worley, in 1988.
He was a lifelong resident of Latimore Township and one of its leading political figures for more than 60 years. He was born in the same house in which he lived and raised a family.
During his early life, he worked on the family farm and attended school in York Springs. After graduation from York Springs High School, he attended George School in Bucks County and then Penn State. While attending Penn State, he married Ruth Tudor Gardner.
In 1942 he graduated from the Dickinson School of Law, Carlisle. He later received a degree from the George Washington School of Law. A dedicated public servant, he first ran for office when he was only 23 years old. Shortly thereafter he was elected Justice of the Peace. In 1942 he won his first election to the Pennsylvania State House of Representatives as the representative from the entire County of Adams. He served the people of his district for 24 years, the longest of anyone in his district. In the PA House of Representatives he was known as "the leading maverick." Always outspoken, he championed causes such as World Government and opposition to the death penalty.
He was a member of the Pennsylvania Bar Association serving on a number of important committees including the civil rights committee. He was also very active in the York County Bar Association where he served on several committees. He continued to practice law and recently partnered with his grandson Daniel D. Worley, a recent graduate of the Dickinson School of Law, who is carrying out his law practice.
Over the years he associated with many public people, including Governor Gifford Pinchot, President Eisenhower and several other leading officials. On February 4, 1956 he was pictured on the front page of the New York Times with then President Dwight D. Eisenhower and Mrs. Eisenhower. On June 22, 1959 the PA House of Representatives passed a resolution congratulating him for his studies at the University of Pennsylvania in the field of international relations. His first priority, however, was always to his constituents, for whom he introduced many bills and spoke passionately on their behalf.
He graduated from George School, a Society of Friends (Quaker) school in Bucks County, Pa. He had a lifetime affiliation with The Society of Friends. He attended Friends meetings and was a strong advocate of Friends' principles. He was a member of Menallen Friends Meeting and was particularly interested in and attended Huntington Friends Meeting in Latimore Township.
Francis Worley, 89, passed away May 8, 2003.